Frontiers of Science autumn 2021 eTALKs

23.09.2021 17:00 - 16.12.2021 12:00

BioCity Turku arranges every semester Frontiers of Science seminar series where researchers are welcome to invite prominent international scientists to give a talk to local scientific community. The seminars are for all researchers and students and students can get ECTs from participation.

This autumn the seminar series is arranged together with InFLAMES Flagship and three of the invited speakers, Teng-Leong ChewJanne Lehtiö and Petter Brodin, are InFLAMES visiting professors. Although all the speakers are specialists, the lectures are usually given on moderately general level for their intelligibility.

– This will be the third seminar series arranged virtually via Zoom. Although it is a pity we still can’t get together in person the positive thing about eTALKs is that we can invite researchers and students from outside of Turku to listen to the talks, says Jyrki Heino, Professor and the Scientific director of BioCity Turku.


BioCity Turku arranges in total seven Frontiers of Science eTALKs and topics range from microscopy technologies to immunology ​​and cancer

The Frontiers of Science seminar program for autumn 2021 is now ready and one of the invited researchers is MD and professor Alberto J. Espay from University of Cincinnati Gardner Neuroscience Institute, US, who will give the first talk of the season with title “The proteinopathy narrative in neurodegenerative disorders” on September 23rd at 17:00. Prof. Espay’s research efforts focus on the measurement of motor and behavioral phenomena in—and clinical trials for—Parkinson’s disease as well as in the understanding and management of functional movement disorders. Dr. Espay is the torch bearer of challenging the notion of using protein aggregates as a therapeutic target in Parkinson’s and Alzheimers disease.

InFLAMES visiting professor Teng-Leong Chew, director of Advanced Imaging Center (AIC), Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Janelia Research Campus, US, is also invited to present his work. Teng-Leong Chew is an expert and mentor in microscopy, and AIC is the leading institute in the world in the development of microscopy. Prof. Chew will give his talk “Emerging microscopy technologies in immunological studies” on October 7th at 15:00.


Student, have a cup of virtual coffee with the speaker!

BioCity Turku offers a great possibility for students and young postdocs to create connections for future and to learn hosting skills in a friendly environment. Come and share a virtual cup of coffee with the speaker after the seminar, discuss about science and get new ideas and motivation to your work.

– I would like to encourage all students to participate to the virtual cup of coffee events with the speakers. The atmosphere during the chats has been very casual and positive, even leading to informal invitations to join the speaker’s research group. This is an excellent opportunity for all PhD students to start building their own scientific networks, Heino continues.

Every student and young postdoc are welcome to join, in spite of which research group they belong to. If you got interested, after registering to the event please send an email to biocityturku@bioscience.i


Frontiers of Science seminars are arranged on Thursdays at 12:00, 15:00, 17:00 or 18:00 via Zoom. Registration is obligatory and the registration links are available on BioCity Turku web page. Registration closes and the Zoom link and iCalendar invitation are sent one day prior the event.

Frontiers of Science seminar program and registration links:

Additional information:
BioCity Turku Coordinator Maija Lespinasse, +358 40 5658 654, ​​