Plant seminar: Itach Yacobi

Pharmacity, lecture room Pha2 Itach Yacobi, School of Plant Sciences and Food Security, Tel Aviv University How H2 production can…

SUNRISE Finland Stakeholder Workshop

The EU SUNRISE (“Solar energy for a circular economy”) coordination and support action (CSA is preparing a large scale…

Plant Seminar: Berat Z. Haznedaroglu

Pharmacity, lecture room Pha1 Prof.  Berat Z. Haznedaroglu “OMICS” characterization of microalgae: Implications for improved biofuels and value-added chemicals production Prof.  Berat Z. Haznedaroglu…

SmartBIO Young Researcher Symposium 2021

Welcome on-board to our SmartBIO Young Researcher Symposium 2021 with the theme of breaking borders and network bridging within SmartBIO. Take a look at the…

SmartBIO Annual Meeting 6th November 2017

We have finalzed the programme of SmartBio Annual Meeting 2017 and updated information about the talks. Click here to check and download  the final programme!

Bioeconomy seminar 10.2.2017

A SmartBio seminar focusing on possibilities and challenges involved in commercialization of the research innovations in the field of bioeconomy…