KABI4007 Towards Bio-based Finland
Organizer: UTU and ÅA (supported by NordAqua NCoE, SmartBio Biocity program, Turku Science Park Oy
15-17 April 2019
Content: The basic concepts of the bioeconomy and the circular economy, overview of different industrial companies operating in Finland, guest lectures by the industry professionals, site-visits to observe SME’s research and production facilities and direct interaction with industry representatives.
Course venue: SparkUP
Course leaders: Yagut Allahverdiyeva-Rinne (UTU) and Henrik Grenman (ÅA)
Full program can be found here
Contact information:
Assoc. Prof. Yagut Allahverdiyeva-Rinne, PhD
University of Turku
E-mail: allahve@utu.fi
Assoc. Prof. Henrik Grenman, D. Sc
Åbo Academi University
E-mail: henrik.grenman@abo.fi
Registration via Nettiopsu or by sending an email to allahve@utu.fi or henrik.grenman@abo.fi